
Video-interview Piek Vossen (in Dutch) on NewsReader and Big Data

De fascinatie van onderzoeker Piek Vossen voor de complexiteit van taal Prof. Dr. Piek Vossen van de Vrije Universiteit is een van de winnaars van de big data-wedstrijd Enlighten Your Research. De taalkundige onderzoekt hoe computers mensentaal kunnen leren en leren begrijpen.  “De huidige programma’s zitten in 40% van de gevallen fout. Zo moeilijk is het dus.” Vossen komt aan het woord in de eerste aflevering van de interviewserie De Voorste Linie, een interviewreeks in opdracht van SURFnet en Fast Moving Targets waarin…

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NWR winner of the 4th edition of the Enlighten Your Research (EYR4) competition

The winners of the 4th edition of the Enlighten Your Research (EYR4) competition were announced on the 7th of November 2013 at the Nationaal eScience Symposium 2013 in Amsterdam. For this edition researchers from any discipline and with any level of technical expertise were invited to submit a proposal with challenging data questions. The research should revolve around data which is either too voluminous or too varied to deal with using existing solutions. Prizes: Participants competed for a 2-years access to data storage, computing facilities, and…

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Spin-off projects NewsReader in Spinoza-project Vossen

  NWO Spinoza laureate 2013 – Piek Vossen – announced his plans for the 2.5 million euros NWO Spinoza Prize he has received. “Understanding of Language by Machines – an escape from the world of language” – Spinoza prize project Vossen: SPI 30-673 (2014–2019)   The goal of the Spinoza project “Understanding of language by machines” (ULM) is to develop computer models that can assign deeper meaning to language that approximates human understanding and to use these models to automatically read and understand text.…

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NWR’s Enlighten Your Research 4 blog post

The NewsReader consortium is currently preparing a full proposal for Enlighten Your Research 4 (EYR4). Participating in EYR4 would provide us with more computing power, and also very important, advice from the experts running these big machines on how to best use this computing power. During the competition every finalist (i.e. team who made it through the first round) is invited to write a blog post for SurfNet about the project. This morning NewsReader’s post was published.

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Offspring from Reproduction Problems (invitation to discussion and announcement ACL presentation)

Despite clear methodological descriptions and making our code and data available, it is still difficult to make our research reproducible. We would like to invite the NLP community to join a discussion on reproducing results from NLP research. One of the main questions we want to address is how we can get a better understanding of our methods through systematic research. Please visit our website: to join our discussion group or share your experiences and ideas. …or come and talk to…

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Antske Fokkens to present at Annual Network Institute Event

Antske Fokkens will present at the Annual Network Institute Event on July 4. During this event, the different groups working together in the interdisciplinary Network Institute at VU University will come together to exchange their research ideas and results. Antske will describe her attempts at reproducing some research published by others in her field, using the original data. And guess how easy that was…  

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Piek Vossen receives Spinoza prize

Today, the chairman of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) announced that Piek Vossen is one of the three scientists this year to receive the highest award in Dutch science: the NWO Spinoza prize. Skip to the NWO website for the  official press release.  

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