
NewsReader started the processing of news today!

This week NewsReader installed their news processing software as virtual machines on different platforms in Amsterdam, San Sebastian and Trento to process 66,000 news articles on the car industry. The first batch of news is being processed. Many more to follow….   Follow this site to learn about the progress and more importantly… what will come out of it. Two NewsReader VMs running on the HPcloud of Sara in Amsterdam, processing news….

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Video-interview Piek Vossen (in Dutch) on NewsReader and Big Data

De fascinatie van onderzoeker Piek Vossen voor de complexiteit van taal Prof. Dr. Piek Vossen van de Vrije Universiteit is een van de winnaars van de big data-wedstrijd Enlighten Your Research. De taalkundige onderzoekt hoe computers mensentaal kunnen leren en leren begrijpen.  “De huidige programma’s zitten in 40% van de gevallen fout. Zo moeilijk is het dus.” Vossen komt aan het woord in de eerste aflevering van de interviewserie De Voorste Linie, een interviewreeks in opdracht van SURFnet en Fast Moving Targets waarin…

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NWR winner of the 4th edition of the Enlighten Your Research (EYR4) competition

The winners of the 4th edition of the Enlighten Your Research (EYR4) competition were announced on the 7th of November 2013 at the Nationaal eScience Symposium 2013 in Amsterdam. For this edition researchers from any discipline and with any level of technical expertise were invited to submit a proposal with challenging data questions. The research should revolve around data which is either too voluminous or too varied to deal with using existing solutions. Prizes: Participants competed for a 2-years access to data storage, computing facilities, and…

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